Live Zoom tours:

We continue to run our live zoom tours for Universities and Community groups.  We can either tailor the tour to a specific area such as renewable energy systems, sustainable house construction, water systems or you can have a general tour of the project touching on all these areas.  If you would like your own group live zoom please contact us via the office and we can set that up for you.

Electric bike business opportunity.

So here is an interesting thing…. Anyone know anyone that might want to set up an electric bike hire business?

 Simon says…

I’ve been talking with Simon Schofield, lives in Southwell and his wife runs All Mine Cakes by the Lake (by the cycle trail in Maythorne.) Our idea is to set up an electric bike hire business. This would be a cooperative venture to enable people to enjoy electric bike riding and hopefully encourage them to continue to use bikes, improving health wellbeing, meeting transport needs and tackling air quality. Simon has a potential venue by the cycle trail from which electric bikes could be hired by the hour or the day. Sustainable Hockerton can also help with some of the set-up costs.  We have already done some research on the potential markets/costing/income potential with Nottingham University and mapped out likely cycle routes for riders. We have also considered routes for pedestrians and wheelchair users as well. 

Simon is involved in the bike industry and can supply the bikes but we are both short of time and need a couple of really keen enthusiastic people to setup and run this business more or less from scratch.  The business needs to be able to operate fully independently ( financially, building and man power). If you are interested or know any likely candidates please let me know, I can then run through the concept in more detail.… 

New Hockerton build is up to roof and awaiting windows!

At the present moment the wet plaster is being applied to the house, the electrics first fix is complete, and the triple glazed argon filled windows are expected any day.

This building again uses a very simple construction technique yet will be a very high-quality building which is great to live in and does not cost the earth. It will not have heating bills and will be a net exporter of energy to the grid. To keep the building warm, it will use passive heat gains. To achieve a warm house in the winter, when these are reduced, it will use a large thermal store to act as a heat battery. Having solved the energy used for space heating the hot water demand will be tackled in a similar way. It will use a large water thermal store which will also be super insulated. This will drive down the energy consumption of the house to exceptionally low levels. The residents hope to be in by the end January.

Social media- Please follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter at HockertonHP. 

Date posted: May 13, 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on Newsletter November 20


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