What is in the video gallery?
There are free and paid for videos in the video gallery.
Paid Video Content
There are 4 paid for video packages for you to choose from they are:
The Full Package – 11 videos covering all aspects of the project or sets of films as listed below. HHP video Shop.
HHP Water Systems– potable and non potable. HHP video Shop.
HHP Renewable Systems– wind and solar. HHP video Shop.
HHP Sustainable Living, including thermal mass construction, a house tour, food impact and an interview with a resident. HHP video Shop.
In order to access the paid for ones you require a password.
Free Video Content
There are also free videos available too. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN and click on the link below to view the videos:
Ongoing Developments of Hockerton type houses.
Community Wind turbine experience
Retrofit Barn project (Nick Wooley)
BBC Inside out:
London the time is now Climate Lobby
BBC Green Peter
If you head to our shop you will be able to obtain the access passwords for the paid for videos. HHP video Shop.