Sustainable Living

Energy and water efficiency are at the core of a sustainable build, but sustainability comes from a much wider set of factors. These will incorporate social sustainability alongside economic and environmental considerations. Doing this will promote physical and mental health for us and a well planet to live on.

Our co-housing approach, where individual homes are private, but land, water and energy systems are shared, enables residents to do more with less. It also encourages social interaction and skills which can be lost in more insular housing developments.

  • Food is grown communally, with households growing 50 – 80 per cent of their fruit and vegetables
  • Chickens provide eggs for residents, and sheep are kept for grazing and meat bees help out with honey!
  • The land provides food and a water catchment area, but also offers space for social activities

How we can help

Want to learn more about sustainable living, or turn your knowledge into action? Find out how we can help you.

What is social sustainability?

Social sustainability in a nutshell is quality of life. It is vital to sustainable development as it meets the needs that economic and environmental sustainability alone cannot, such as mental and physical health, encouraging community, and fairness.

What others say

 “Projects like this show that there are alternatives from the dominant way of life, that causes so much damage. As people come and see, listen, learn, and understand that green technologies deliver in better ways, they would like some as well – to help live a more sustainable life.” – Charles Secrett, then Director, Friends of the Earth