Since completion in 1996, Hockerton Housing Project has become an established exemplar of sustainable development both locally and nationally, providing a unique ‘real-life’ experience of living sustainably. Learn from our experience! We have developed a range of services which are available to private groups and educational providers.

Hockerton Housing Project is a fantastic place to extend your knowledge and understanding of sustainability, low energy house design and eco living. Its an ideal case study for university students, school children and can be used by professionals to develop your ideas, products and in-house resilience. By the end of a visit to our site we are confident that your learning objectives will have been met and that you will leave with a future-thinking sustainable mindset. For people of all ages with enquiring minds and for the younger generation there are several strong links to the national curriculum and university course topics while professionals will have met their continued professional development (CPD) needs.

Design your own tour, What we offer:

Guided Tours for individuals and groups –Book now by contacting us.

Tours are adaptable and can take between 2-4 hours depending on your preferences. Workshops, training courses and Master Classes often last 6 hours with lunch. A site-tour could include:

  • A tour of the project site highlighting renewable energy systems (wind & solar), autonomous water systems, and key elements of landscaping.
  • A tour of one of the project members’ homes highlighting key environmental features and ultra low energy building design.
  • An Audio-Visual presentation in our Visitor Centre, showing the history of the development and an explanation of how our homes work. And/or a classroom activity e.g. a debate or carbon footprint exercise.
  • Options for workshops, master classes and training.
  • Catering; full menu + light refreshments these are included as standard.
  • What people say: Read a review from Nick Wooley here.
  • Customer feedback:

Thank you Simon,

It was a long drive home but so totally worth it!

The masterclass was inspiring. Having just got planning permission I feel that I’m now armed with a great deal of real life tried and tested knowledge and am feeling much more confident about talking to builders and architects about what we want to achieve. 

 I’ve been lost in a sea of information overload but Hockerton’s real life example of how to achieve net zero without it costing the earth (financially and literally) is priceless.

Thank you to Simon and the team for a fantastically informative day with great food and company too.

I’ll definitely download the sheets and I’ll send you our drawing for a bit of feedback if i may.

Many thanks,


Education Tours for Universities contacting us

University visits to Hockerton Housing Project gain an in-depth understanding of sustainable building design and living lightly. We open out homes to more than 1000 students every year and show groups from 15 to 45 around at any one time. Many lectures use us as a case study to help the students through their education.

Educational Tours for Schools –Book now by contacting us.

School visits to Hockerton Housing Project experience a unique case study in sustainable living. The 15 acre site is primarily a home to a small community of 5 private homes, but the residents also run a business that offers environmental education and advice services. Education / School visits environmental and energy education. Or call us to talk through your requirements. +44 (0)1636 816902

Live Online tours –Book now by contacting us.

For schools or universities unable to make a visit or travel to Hockerton Housing Project, we are now offering a new Remote Educational Package. This package includes:

  • A Skype/Zoom tour with a HHP resident and tour guide.
  • Web access, A DVD or USB stick with video explanations covering of all of the site’s design features and footage from the BBC’s ‘Inside Out’ programme. Please see our example Wind Energy summary video below.
  • A package of infographics covering HHP’s design features and further processes.
  • Worksheets aimed at GCSE students to be completed whilst watching the explanation videos.
HHP Wind Energy Summary Video.

Educational Activities and Lessons –Book now by contacting us.

We are able to use our visitor centre facility as a space for group activities following guided tours. Designed to support national curricula, we offer a range of educational activities that are deigned to be taught alongside teachers. These activities will consolidate the knowledge taught during a site-visit. Activities currently offered include:

  • Wind Turbine Design
  • Solar Cell Car Racing
  • 3-Dimensional Drawing
  • Energy Efficiency Calculations
  • Water Filtration
  • Climate Change Lessons


For more detailed information on our site and what we have to offer please see our Education Brochure.

We are always looking to improve our educational programme and welcome any feedback that you may have. Filling out and returning the feedback sheet below would be highly appreciated by all at HHP.

If you are interested in making a visit to Hockerton Housing Project or would like further information on what we can offer, please contact us.

Date posted: October 15, 2019 | Author: | Comments Off on Design Your Own Tour


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