Sustainable Hockerton (SHOCK),  a group of residents from the village of Hockerton, are celebrating the planning approval for the installation of a 225kW wind turbine within parish. 

Background Information

Wind turbine

Since July 2006 residents of the parish of Hockerton have been meeting regularly to discuss becoming a zero carbon village.  

The key objective of SHOCK is to try to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide production. A key first step was to develop a proposal to erect a community owned wind turbine, to generate clean electricity and use any profits to promote other objectives.


Care was taken to ensure that any area being considered was at least 500m from any property (well in excess of Government guidelines). A site about 1km from the next nearest village and sympathetically sited away from the neighbouring parish boundary was agreed as the location for the wind turbine.

Local support  

A vote was conducted in February 2007 with about a quarter of the village residents responding of which 28 supported the idea and four were against. The majority of those in favour were also interested in financially investing in the wind turbine. It was therefore agreed to develop the proposal further towards a full planning application.

Power Generation 

The objective of the wind turbine is to generate the equivalent amount of clean electricity that the homes use in the Hockerton parish. 

Date posted: July 7, 2008 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Renewable energy Wind Turbines

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