Category: Wind Turbines

Two wind turbines have popped up around HHP. Patrick, an organic farmer in Hockerton, has installed a Gaia 11kW and another local farmer has erected an Enercon E33 near Eakring. SYNERGY the transition group in our neighbouring town of Southwell is also working on plans to put up a community owned Enercon E33 south of the town at Brackenhurst (part of Nottingham Trent University).

Closer to home Sustainable Hockerton’s turbine the Vestas V29 has had a fantastic December with well over 50 000 kWh produced! – A record for one single month. At over 23p per unit that makes a good income for the village! Whether community owned or farmer led wind harvesting seems to be catching on around us.


Date posted: January 10, 2012 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Community Energy Renewable energy Wind Turbines

Hockerton’s community-owned wind turbine is beginning to reap financial rewards for both its shareholders and the village. It has just paid out its first interest payment to members of 5%, only 18 months after production started. It has also made money available to the village.

You can find out more of what Sustainable Hockerton have done on their web site and a take part video.

Date posted: July 13, 2011 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Community Energy Renewable energy Wind Turbines

Hockerton's community-owned wind turbineThe media continue to follow the progress of our community-owned wind turbine with interest, and today BBC Nottingham provides an online update.

So far the turbine has generated over 240,000Kwh of electricity (latest figures from end of December 2010), the equivalent to saving the emission of 136 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The energy generated to date is worth approximately £54,000 and Sustainable Hockerton is hoping to pay investors a return of 5% for its first year of operation, with remaining monies funding sustainable projects in the village.

Date posted: January 27, 2011 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Community Energy Renewable energy Wind Turbines

village wind turbineHockerton’s electricity goes carbon neutral! By the end of November the community owned turbine had produced 221 220 kWh which roughly equals the electrical consumption of the village in a whole year. Looked at another way, Sustainable Hockerton Limited (SHL) have saved the emission of 125 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The impact is small on a national scale but massive on a local one! Congratulations to all concerned!

Date posted: December 24, 2010 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Renewable energy Wind Turbines

Our partner Sustainable HOCKerton (SHOCK) has been busy progressing the installation of a community wind turbine in the village.

The turbine was delivered from INEOS to the site in Hockerton on 21st October. On the 28thOctober they installed the tower, nacelle and rota having had the grid and meters installed earlier that week. Simon Tilley from HHP was there in a supporting role as well as several volunteers from local investors. Now they are in the process of commissioning the machine which will be complete in 3 to 4 weeks.

The financing of the turbine is nearly complete. We have been delighted at the number of people wishing to support the project and have very nearly reached the provisional working target. 

Finally we wish SHL well in completing the commissioning in the next few weeks and starting production of large amounts of renewable energy!

Date posted: November 19, 2009 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: Renewable energy Wind Turbines